Fidalgo Fly Fishers Club meetings are being held in person at Mi Mexico, 481 S Burlington Blvd., Burlington, WA 98233 and via Zoom on the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. Click here to register to attend our monthly meeting.
The Board meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 11:30 at Bob's Burger and Brew in Burlington. If you are interested to attend, please email for information.
Liar's Lunch is held the first Tuesday of the month at the LaConner Waterfront Cafe at noon. All are welcome to attend.
Pints and Flies - We meet monthly to tie flies (except June, July and August) on the second Tuesday from 2 till 4 alternating between The Rockfish Grill in Anacortes and the Chuckanut Brewery by the Burlington Airport. See actual callender below to confirm location.
We have the following proposed events scheduled for 2025. If you are interested in more information please email: or scroll through the calendar below. If you are a member, you can also look on the Share Info page. Also, please sign up on our Outings Distribution List to make sure you stay in the know for any outing you are interested in. To view the list, go to the Share Info tab and look in Let's Go Fishing category.
Pass Lake March 15 – 30 Fish Census - Chironomid Capers
Pass Lake March 29 April Fools Outing
Kitsap Sea Run Cutthroat April 8 – 11 Kitsap Memorial State Park Cabins
Day Falls Lake April 21 – 24 Sun Lakes Resort Cabins
Big Twin Lake May 5 – 9 Big Twin Lake Resort Cabins
Central WA Wine Tasting May 16 – 19 Ginko Petrified Forest State Park - Wine Country RV Park - Prosser
Tunkwa Lake June TBD Leighton Lake Provincial Park - Tunkwa Lake Resort
Methow River July/Aug. TBD Riverside RV Park
Location TBD July/Aug. TBD Bass/warm water
St. Joe River Sept. 2 – 7 Huckleberry Campground
Skagit River Sept. 19 – 22 Glacier Peak Winery- Pink Salmon
Pass Lake Week of Oct. 6 Full Moon Outing
Yakima River Oct. 17-20 Big Pines BLM Campground
Skagit River Nov. 7 – 11 Glacier Peak Winery- Coho/Silver Salmon
TBD = To Be Determined